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You're never alone
You're never alone

You’re never alone when you’re reading a book. — Susan Wiggs

Reading gives us someplace to go...
Reading gives us someplace to go...

Reading gives us someplace to go when when we have to stay where we are. —Mason Cooley

A book is a dream...
A book is a dream...

A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. — Neil Gaiman

Books are the mirrors of the soul
Books are the mirrors of the soul
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Enter to Win $25 Paypal Cash

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The more you read...
The more you read...
That's the thing about books...
That's the thing about books...
A room without books...
A room without books...

I'm a book lover because I can't just pick one favourite book!

because becoming begins anew
because becoming begins anew

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Source: http://www.because.zone/fb
Don't forget to be awesome!
Don't forget to be awesome!

This picture in my daughter’s room was the inspiration for Robert’s journal in Chapter 20:


Remember that poster Little Rock had on her bedroom door—“Don’t forget to be awesome!” That’s another thing I find up here…it’s that amazing sense of awe…And do you recall when Jenny first saw that poster, she didn’t even know what that word meant but she had to have it because she loved the colours and then after we hung it, she asked us what “awesome” was? Do you remember what you told her?


I don’t remember it word for word but it was something like this: you said Awe is something we find…or something we can create…and…if we live being awe-some then somehow it touches who we really are—because then we find all these little bits of ourselves—for each time you feel, touch or see anything that actually awes you, you will then feel a reason to exist!…And then you said to her that feeling awe is just like…feeling real love. Well, Monique, then you should know…you are all awe to me!

In Chapter 4, Jenny talks about passion with her parents, Robert and Monique. Passion is defined as an intense emotion, compelling enthusiasm or desire for anything, but its meaning I learned will enlighten you.